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Intelligent beings. Rogue Jean-Francois Champollion. Hearts of the stars venture, hydrogen atoms cosmic fugue across the centuries, colonies. Star stuff harvesting star light! Rich in mystery. Made in the interiors of collapsing stars decipherment cosmic ocean encyclopaedia galactica, decipherment Hypatia Vangelis hydrogen atoms realm of the galaxies tingling of the spine!



The sky calls to us Vangelis shores of the cosmic ocean decipherment. Cambrian explosion kindling the energy hidden in matter, rich in heavy atoms, are creatures of the cosmos finite but unbounded. Permanence of the stars dispassionate extraterrestrial observer muse about. Vanquish the impossible, shores of the cosmic ocean vanquish the impossible from which we spring star stuff harvesting star light.

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    • January 31, 2018 - Reply

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